1ST JULY 2024


    1. Power Fm is committed to protecting the privacy of personal information collected across its campuses from the members, visitors, employees, contingent workers, suppliers and other third parties with whom we engage and minister.
    2. This Policy document may be cited as the POWER FM DATA PROTECTION AND PRIVACY POLICY.
    3. It was approved by or on behalf of the Power Fm Board of Directors and shall be deemed to have come into force on .


  1. The Policy is to outline how the Power Fm collects, uses and safeguards personal data and to ensure that all data collected is used for the right purpose.

2..2 This policy applies to all Power Fm Members, employees, contingent workers and third parties who may have access to any form of data on behalf of Power Fm.


  1. Data Subject means the identified or identifiable person or entity to whom personal data relates.
  2. Data User means any person, any employee, any member, consultant, independent contractor or third party acting on Power Fm’s behalf (including data processors) whose work involves processing personal data for Power Fm.
  3. Personal Data means to be ascribed to personally identifiable information personal data or equivalent terms as such terms are defined under the Data Protection and Privacy Laws.
  4. Personal Data Incident means security incident, data breach, or personal data breach and shall include any situation in which Power Fm becomes aware that personal data has been or is likely to have been accessed, disclosed, altered, lost destroyed, or used by unauthorized persons in an unauthorized manner.
  5. Processing means any operation or set operations that is performed on personal data, whether or not by automatic means such as collection, recording, organisation structuring storage adaptation or alteration, use, disclosure by transmission or otherwise making available, alignment or combination restriction erasure or destruction. Processing also includes transferring or disclosing personal data to third parties.


  1. Power Fm is responsible for establishing practices and policies in line with Data Protection and Privacy Laws. In order to be able to comply with data protection laws, Power Fm undertakes to do the following:
    • Communicating with employees, contingent workers and third parties acting on behalf of Power Fm about the Data Protection and Privacy requirements.
    • Undertaking periodic internal audits for Power Fm data protection policies and procedures.
    • Implementing policies that enable Power Fm to comply with data protection laws such as this policy, policies around data security and protection.


  1. Any personal data that Power Fm obtained by or on behalf of Power Fm must:
    • Be obtained fairly, lawfully and in a transparent manner
    • Be obtained only for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes
    • Be relevant and limited to what is necessary for the legitimate purposes for which the data is obtained.
    • Be accurate and kept up to date ensuring, where reasonably possible, that inaccurate personal data is erased or rectified without delay.
    • Not be kept any longer than is necessary to fulfill the purposes for which the data was collected.
    • Be obtained and handled in a manner that ensures appropriate security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage.


  1. Power Fm shall maintain a central record of the types of personal data the station collects and why that data is collected. The station will only process data for specified purposes as already stated above.
  2. Power Fm will notify data subjects of those purposes when data is first collected or where not possible as soon as possible thereafter.
  3. Power Fm will only process personal data to the extent required and for the purposes provided to the data subject. Power Fm has appropriate technical and organizational measure in place to ensure that personal data that is no longer needed is erased or destroyed.
  4. Power Fm will apply reasonable measures to ensure that any personal data held is accurate and kept up to date. Power Fm aims to check the accuracy of any personal data held is accurate and kept to date. Power Fm aims to check the accuracy of any personal data at the point of collection and at a regular interval afterward.

The company will take all reasonable steps to erase, destroy or amend inaccurate, or out of date data without undue delay and in any event within one month of data subject’s request (or for up to three months where there are specific reasons why one month is not possible)


  1. When Power Fm obtains personal data, it shall take reasonable steps to ensure that the data remains secure and is protected against data unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction, or damage.


  1. A personal data incident may happen in the following ways loss of a mobile device or hard copy file, theft of a mobile device or hard copy file which contains personal data, human error, and cyber-attack, unforeseen circumstances such as fire or flood.

Members or employees who become aware of or have any reason to suspect that a Personal Data Incident has occurred or is about to occur immediately contact privacy@watotochurch.com.


  1. In the event of an actual or imminent personal data incident, Power Fm takes quick action to minimize the impact of the incident or report the incident and this shall involve, investigating the incident, implementing the necessary steps, assessing whether there is an obligation to notify other parties, recording information about the personal data information and steps taken in response including documentation that explains the decision to notify or not notify.


  1. All data subjects shall have the right to do the following:
    • Request for information about the personal data held with respect to them.
    • Object to the processing of the data
    • Ask Power Fm to destroy the personal data,
    • Ask Power Fm to access of third Parties to their personal data.


  1. Data subjects who wish to request information about their personal data may do so by submitting a Data Subject Access Request. If the request is received, immediately forward details of the request to [privacy@watotochurch.com.](mailto:privacy@watotochurch.com.)


  1. Any inquiries about obtaining and handling personal have any questions about Power Fm Privacy Policy Information Management System, please send such inquiries to [privacy@watotochuch.com.](mailto:privacy@watotochuch.com.)


  1. All employees and contingent workers are expected to comply with this policy as it shall be updated from time to time.


  1. This policy is owned by Power FM. The policy shall be reviewed on any annual basis. Changes to this policy shall be in accordance with prevailing governing Laws.


  1. Any important question, inquiries relating to this policy or complaints about the handling of personal data shall directed to privacy@watotochuch.com.