Henry Ford once said, ‘A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.’
Advertising is an integral part of a successful business. Advertise with us! We will provide you with well thought through advertising solutions to your needs with tailor made  campaigns, concepts and promotions that will bring instant awareness to your brand. Our creative, digital, events and brand experience teams are dedicated to helping your brand gain exponential growth through our platforms, on air, online and on site.

Click here for the Power 104.1 FM rate card
or call +256392849402 | +256758104104

Email: power1041fm@watotochurch.com

A man who stops advertising to save money is like a man who stops a clock to save time.

Henry Ford

Our creative, digital, events and brand experience teams are dedicated to helping your brand gain exponential growth through our platforms, on air, online and on site.

Advertising is an integral part of a successful business.

We will provide you with well thought through advertising solutions to your needs with tailor made campaigns, concepts and promotions that will bring instant awareness to your brand.

Advertise With Us

Telephone:+256392849402 | +256758104104
Email: power1041fm@watotochurch.com